Rachael Recommends || June 2023
We can officially say that summer is in full swing! Now that temps are heating up and kids have been home for a while, you may be feeling a little less than motivated. There's a real phenomenon called the "dog days of summer" that begins around July 3rd (don't believe me? Look it up)! It's coupled with that feeling where everything just feels "blah." You know what I'm talking about.
We all may be in need of a little pick-me-up! So, for the recommendations this month my goal is to share a couple resources to refresh your motivation. I hope these prompt you to continue in diligence in the arenas of fitness and health, and to not allow those "dog days" to get the better of you. I hope you enjoy and I hope you end up feeling inspired.
Slam Ball
Effective & Affordable
It's widely accepted that "cardio" exercise is beneficial to our cardiovascular fitness and overall health. However, it's not always the most helpful or efficient to spend hours jogging, biking or swimming each week (not to mention that this can be even more challenging in the heat of summer).
Enter high intensity interval training (HIIT). There are loads of scientific studies touting the effectiveness of HIIT. (If you're interested to read further, check out an interesting article here). Some experts even find HIIT to be overall more beneficial than long-duration cardio exercise due to the decreased repetitions, and therefore stress, through the joints and soft tissues of the body that HIIT provides. At Fitness Collective, we are certainly raving HIIT fans.
One of our favorite modalities for delivering the effects of cardio without all the pounding on the joints is a slam ball. This modality is affordable (the one pictured is only $25) and compact for easy home use! And seeing results doesn't take that much. Even if all you did was to simply add some slam ball "routines" for a 10-15 minutes a couple times a week, you could notice improvement in your cardio fitness. I haven't even mentioned the satisfaction which "slamming" the ball can bring! If you have any internal stress or aggression, this could be an even better product for you. :) Maybe it's just me, but this sure beats a run on the treadmill!
Wellness Mama
Your one stop for health, wellness, nutrition and home remedies
Are you looking for a home remedy for sunburn? Or maybe you want advice on what cookware is safest? Perhaps you're interested in the scientific effectiveness of essential oils? Or maybe you're extra nerdy like me and crave a deep dive into liver detoxification, gmo's (genetically modified organisms), and glucose monitors? Whatever your interest in the health, nutrition, kids' health, home remedies, etc. realm is, Wellness Mama is your one-stop shop for all the info.
Katie Wells is the author and creator of this "health empire" and offers articles, podcasts, videos, etc. all in an easy-to-navigate, searchable website.
This site is bookmarked on my internet browser as I frequently utilize the resources available here. I listen to the podcast consistently and often search the blogs and articles for quick info when I have a burning question. I highly recommend keeping this resource handy. Check it out: https://wellnessmama.com/.
"The 2 Best Ways to Burn Fat"
This article is worth the read
If you've been a reader of mine for a length of time, you know I am a big fan of Ben Greenfield. Like Katie Wells, The Wellness Mama mentioned above, he is a wealth of knowledge on an vast array of health and fitness information. I very much enjoy perusing his website and reading the articles (I also enjoy many of his podcast episodes). I admire how his information is scientifically backed (though it's often very dense content), and the relaxed vibe he uses in presenting it.
A few weeks ago, as I was devouring fat loss content in preparation for my next Nutrition Collective fat loss group beginning soon, I came across this article. In it he does a great job paring down this massive (and overwhelming) topic to two focuses. While there is more to fat loss than the 2 "best ways" he suggests, it's an excellent article to help one focus in on 2 very big hitters! I am sure that if one reads, adopts and consistently applies the information in this article, healthy fat loss can be achieved. I hope you are intrigued, and I hope you read it (and apply it)!
Tell those dog days to stay away armed with your new "recommendations!" I always appreciate your time in reading; I do not take it for granted.